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19 Oct '15

Feline Fashion

Posted by Amanda Boothe

Are you in on the uber cool rage of fashion forward felines !!!

If so, check out this great store by Anthony Di Feo 



14 Oct '15

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Posted by Amanda Boothe

The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, cholesterol level maintenance, weight loss, boosted immune system, proper digestion and regulated metabolism.

It also provides relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV, and cancer, while helping to improve dental quality and bone strength.

These benefits of oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and their respective properties, such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial and soothing qualities.

Coconut oil is an excellent massage oil for the skin as well. It acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skin, including dry skin. The benefit of coconut oil on the skin is comparable to that of mineral oil.

Fortunately, unlike mineral oil, there is no chance of having any adverse side effects on the skin from the application of coconut oil. Coconut oil therefore is a safe solution for preventing dryness and flaking of skin. It also delays the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of skin which normally accompany aging.

Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections. For that exact reason, coconut oil forms the base ingredient of various body care products like soaps, lotions, and creams that are used for skin care. Coconut oil also helps in preventing premature aging and degenerative diseases due to its well-known antioxidant properties.

14 Oct '15

Welcome to our family!

Posted by Amanda Boothe

Welcome to Happy Body Natural !

We are thrilled to have you as part of our family!!

We aim to create the beat possible body scrubs and lotions for making you the best you can be!

We use no chemicals in our body scrubs and they are 100% all natural.

Join us on our loving journey to a smoother, healthier you!